Second Step



The preschool years are very important.  We want your child to be as ready as possible for kindergarten. Preparation for kindergarten isn’t  just about knowing letters and numbers.  It’s also about knowing how to get along with others.  We will be using the Second Step Early Learning Program in your child’s preschool classroom to teach these important skills.  The Second Step program teaches skills in the following areas:

1. Skills for Learning:

Children gain skills to help them be better learners, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, and ask for help.

2. Empathy:

Children learn to identify and understand their own and others’ feelings.

Children also learn how to show care for others.

3. Emotion Management:

Children learn how to calm down when they have strong feelings, such as worry or anger

4. Friendship Skills and Problem Solving:

Children learn how to make and keep friends and to solve problems with others in a positive way.



What Is the Second Step Program?

The Second Step early learning program teaches skills to build self-regulation and social-emotional competence, both important for kindergarten readiness and school and life success. Children learn and practice vital skills for listening and paying attention, having empathy, managing emotions, building friendships, and solving problems with others. The Second Step program has been shown to reduce behavior problems, improve classroom climate by building feelings of inclusiveness and respect, and increase children’s sense of confidence and responsibility. The program includes Weekly Themes with daily short learning activities, visual aids, puppets, songs, and online training.



For more information about the Second Step program, please click the link below.